Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 00144 ROMA

Palazzo Chigi

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Palazzo Chigi
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Palazzo Chigi was built starting from 1578 by the Aldobrandini lords. Over the centuries it has seen alternating restorations and substantial modifications at the end of which we see it as it is today. It is located in Piazza Colonna on the famous Via del Corso, in front of the Column of Marcus Aurelius from which it takes its name. Since 1961 it has been the seat of the Italian Government. Inside there are many rooms and important works of great value and charm, such as the Sala dei Mappamondi and the Sala delle Galere, the Galleria Deti and the two Saloni degli Arazzi.


Piazza Colonna
00186 Roma (RM)
Sito WEB

(Closed today)

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